Dear Readers,
Welcome to our new Aquarius Wellness blog which we are very happy to finally have go live as it has been a long time in the making! We plan to post a variety of submissions from expert sources. We’ll cover relevant topics on the importance of taking a proactive approach to incorporating wellness into our world in its manifold forms. Now more than ever in recent history, wellness practices are vital for most sentient beings living in a fast-paced and chaotic world.
While the topics will be current, they may also draw upon ancient wisdom and practices that are still applicable to our modern condition. We promise they will be engaging, informative, and essentially worthy of your limited time.
Our wellness contributors will bounce topic ideas off each other towards the aim of the “whole being greater than the sum of the parts”. This should make for a dynamic and diverse blog that will leave you more motivated than before to adopt wellness practices into your life, and over time we hope these rituals will begin to bear fruit in terms of your overall sense of wellbeing!
Thank you all for visiting our new blog, we look forward to hearing any feedback or suggestions you may have for interesting new topics and we’re happy to entertain your ideas as possible subjects of our next posts. We wish you all much joy and success on your wellness journeys and welcome the opportunity to play our part where possible!
To your Wellness,
Andrew Goodman, Owner
Aquarius Wellness
Center for Healing Arts